Forge of empires fair traders guild 5 point trade thread
Forge of empires fair traders guild 5 point trade thread

forge of empires fair traders guild 5 point trade thread

A lvl 15 residence takes up 12 squares and gives 560 pop. Population is gained from residences and I’ll be using lvl 15 residences in this post, which is the highest level pre dwarven buildings. So culture space varies depending on what kind of culture buildings you’re using, in these calculations I’ll be using the Battle Monument that gives 690/12=57,5 culture/square. This means a building requiring for example 400 culture takes up 4 squares culture space. Let’s say there was a culture building giving 800 culture and taking up 8 squares, then it would give 80 culture/square. Let’s start by looking at culture, depending of what culture buildings you’re going to have more or less effective culture space. A lvl 8 MM takes up 2x3=6 squares right? Yes, but there's more to it than that, it needs culture, which takes up space, population which also takes up space and the tools that you use to produce the resources comes from workshops who also takes up space. It is probably not the whole truth, but I think it's close to it. How much space these manufactories takes up in your village. So how do we compare these goods? The answer is: space. All my manufactories are maxed at the advanced level, which for Marble Manufactories (MM) is lvl 8, for Silk manufactories (SM) lvl 9 and last but not least Gem Manufactories (GM) lvl 8. I made sure to compare their values when they are on the same boost-% which for me is 279%. My production boosts are: Marble, Silk and Gems. I'm going to tackle this problem from the point in the game where I'm currently in, which is the early midgame with the human race.

forge of empires fair traders guild 5 point trade thread

It’s going to be quite a long post and plenty of spelling errors but try to bear with me! Could really 100 gems be as valuable as 1600 marble? There are of course many factors that set the value of these materials, and I have done my best to look at some of them. Right now 1 elixir/magic dust/gem is valuated as 4 silk/crystal/scrolls and 16 marble/planks/steel. I've been thinking about this question for a while now and finally I decided to do some calculating to see how accurate these ratios are.

Forge of empires fair traders guild 5 point trade thread